This film shows Suguru Osako’s strong commitment towards the Paris Olympics. This film is made for Suguru and myself to state what we believe to be a stronger athlete. We’ve published this film right after Marathon Grand Championship in Japan on 10/15th 2023. *This is not client work.
Athlete: Suguru Osako
Coach: Pete Julian
Creative Director: Kohei Adachi
Director: Genki Ito / Kohei Adachi
Editor: Genki Ito
Director of Photography: Hiroaki Yasukawa, Travis Thompson, Koretaka Kamiike, Kohei Adachi
English Writer: Andrew Miller
Music : SAI
Composer / Piano / Synthesizer: TAIHEI
Bass: Keigo Iwami
Trumpet: Yusuke Sase
Drums: Yukino Matsuura
Photographer: Shota Matsumoto
Concept Work + Production by MARCH INC